TOUR PARTICIPANT SURVEY Name * First Name Last Name Email * Name of group (if applicable): Dates of trip: What was the main reason for your trip? Did this trip meet your expectations? Did you feel adequately prepared for your trip? If applicable, how did you find the accommodation option during the safari portion of your trip? (If you did not participate in a safari, please proceed to the next question.) What were your favorite places to stay? To eat? To visit? Why? What piece of advice would you give to people embarking on a similar trip? Would you recommend Red Rhino Tours and Red Sweater Project to others traveling or volunteering? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree What was the most memorable part of the trip? How did visiting the Mungere School impact you and your interest in future involvement with our programs? (If you did not visit the Mungere School, please proceed to the next question.) Do you have any additional comments or suggestions? Please select the ways you’d like to stay engaged with Red Sweater Project and Red Rhino Tours: Make a donation Sponsor a student Volunteer Host an event to share my experience with others Host a fundraiser We’d love to see a few of your favorite photos! UPLOAD Thank you for your time! - Red Rhino Tours & Red Sweater Project Staff Thank you so much for your feedback!